Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Been a (Long) While

So I know I haven't blogged in a while. School's a bitch. But I figured I'd do some updating on my mini-break.
I was on the AP website today reading Mike Shea's story on the next break through band, and realised that I'm actually very displeased with the direction the music industry is moving in.
For one thing, I'm so over these cookie cutter bands. I pray to God there's not another band like All Time Low or 3Oh3 on the verge of "breaking through". I mean, there's only so much you can take! It was fun for a while, but we NEED something fresh in the music world. It's like in order to make it in the music industry you have to sound like bands a, b, and c, or you sit your ass on the sidelines and shut up. What happened to the diversity in music? Where are all the Nirvanas? I actually wouldn't even mind if emo made a comeback...anything but more of the same; anything but power pop!
Also, I'm really hating that the industry has gotten to the point where artists aren't even releasing actual albums anymore. Everything is moving over to the Internet, and there's just no real relationship between the listener and the music anymore. Music has kind of faded into the background, and it's really sad, because music is a profound thing. In fact, its one of the most powerful things in the world. I just don't want music to completely become impersonal. and I think with the way things are going, it won't be long before music is no longer necessary, and falls to the wayside.
Music is in desperate need of a savior. Hopefully, it won't be long now before a genius comes along and fixes all that's wrong, because a lot of people are really starting to hate this downhill spiral we're in. Maybe it's just a rut? Things always look better in the morning, right?

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